군종별 사령부 영어로
- Commands (military formations) by branch
- 사령부: commandancy
- 군종별 군사사: Military history by branch
- 군종별 군인: Military personnel by branch
- 군종별 장교: Military officers by branch
- 군종별 부대 및 조직: Military units and formations by branch
- 군종별 영국의 부대: Military units and formations of the United Kingdom by branch
- 미국의 군종별 군인: American military personnel by branch
- 미국의 군종별 시설: Military installations of the United States by branch
- 일본의 군종별 부대: Military units and formations of Japan by branch
- 공군사령부: Air force commands
- 군사령부: 군사령부 [軍司令部] military headquarters.
- 극동사령부: Far East Command
- 나라별 사령부: Commands (military formations) by country
- 남부사령부: Southern Command